Yoruba group hails S’West govs for backing regionalism


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Yoruba Diaspora organisation, Yoruba One Voice (YOV), has applauded the six South-West governors for throwing their weights behind restructuring to regionalism.

YOV, in a statement by its General Secretary, Adedokun Ademiluyi, said the new development had shown that the governors are ready to work on the mandate given to them to move the region forward by providing an enabling environment that would enhance growth and development across the region.

“Nigeria is currently confronted with various challenges, resulting from the fundamental issues involving the structural defects of the Nigerian nation.

“The clamour for restructuring to regionalism has continued to take the centre stage of our national discourse because of the obvious challenges emanating from the structure of this country.

“However, the spate of insecurity across the country has remained a hard nut…

Source: Guardian Newspaper