Top 5 Exercises to Prevent Heart Attack and Diabetes


Globally, physical inactivity is alarmingly prevalent, with nearly 1.8 billion adults failing to meet recommended activity levels. This trend highlighted by the World Health Organization (WHO), not only raises concerns about chronic diseases like heart attacks and diabetes but also impacts global health significantly.

Nigeria for example has about 11.2 million Nigerians (1 out of every 17 adults) living with either heart attack or diabetes. That is about 5.77% per cent of the population according to the National Library of Medicine

Regular physical activity is crucial for reducing these risks and improving overall well-being. Here are five highly recommended exercises to help prevent heart attacks and diabetes:


  1. Simple walking: Allocate 150 minutes per week to brisk walking. This moderate-intensity exercise not only reduces the risk of heart disease but also enhances insulin sensitivity, crucial in managing diabetes.


Source: Guardian Newspaper