Six students drown after writing junior WAEC exams in Kaduna


Tragedy struck on Tuesday evening when six students drowned in the Mbang River in Ribang village, Kauru Local Council of Kaduna State, after writing their Junior West African School Examination (WAEC).

The victims, identified as Manasseh Monday, 16; Musa John, 16; Pius David, 15; Monday Ayuba, 16; David Danlami, 19; and Yahuza Audu, 16, were students of Government Secondary School, Fadan Chawai.

Confirming the development yesterday, spokesperson for Ribang Development Association (RDA), Simon Ishaku Chinge, said three bodies had been recovered and buried.

According to him, three students remained missing because locals were not able to recover them from the river.

He said: “The school children left their homes with excitement, while their parents went to the farm with the hope of reuniting with them after writing their exams. The Mbang River has been a deathtrap to our people over the years. Before the community can access any school or…

Source: Guardian Newspaper