Troops thwart N10bn oil theft, kill 2,245 terrorists in Q2 2024


The Nigerian Armed Forces has said it prevented oil theft valued at over N10 billion during the second quarter of 2024.

Through a series of rigorous operations and strategic interventions, the high command said troops have recovered substantial quantities of stolen crude oil and illegally refined petroleum products.

The recovered items include 9,225,149 litres of stolen crude oil, 2,874,916 litres of illegally refined AGO (Automotive Gas Oil), 29,900 litres of DPK (Dual Purpose Kerosene), and 31,380 litres of PMS (Premium Motor Spirit), among other items.

Director Defence Media Operations, Major General Edward Buba, while briefing newsmen on Thursday in Abuja noted that these efforts highlighted the military’s proactive measures in safeguarding the nation’s vital resources and dismantling criminal networks involved in illicit activities.

“This achievement underscores our unwavering commitment to protecting…

Source: Guardian Newspaper