2027: Abejide warns supporters against reelection distraction


House of Representatives member representing Yagba Federal constituency, Kogi State, Leke Abejide, has told his supporters and speculators not to distract him with calls for him to recontest in the 2027 House of Representatives election.

He also warned those permutating that his possible return to the National Assembly in 2027 would the pave way for him to emerge as the next House Speaker to bury the thought, as that was not the purpose of his aspiration, in the first place.

Abejide noted that his focus is on consolidating on providing good governance for his people while also concentrating on his duties on the floor of the National Assembly as a lawmaker.

Abejide, who is serving a second term, spoke on Thursday, through his Chief of Staff, Shola Adebola, against the backdrop of unabated calls from constituents, urging him to prepare to throw his hat in the ring for a third term.

He stated…

Source: Guardian Newspaper