Oklahoma Mandates Schools To Teach Bible ‘Immediately’


Oklahoma’s state superintendent, Ryan Walters, has issued a directive mandating that public schools across the state integrate the Bible into their curricula, effective immediately. This move marks the latest cultural flashpoint in the ongoing debate over religion in U.S. classrooms.

In his directive, Walters, a Republican, emphasised the necessity of “strict compliance” with the new rule, which applies to all students from grades five to twelve. He described the Bible as “an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone” essential for students to understand the foundation of the United States.

“Without basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualise the foundation of our nation,” Walters stated. He was elected in 2022 on a platform focused on combating what he termed “woke ideology” and removing “radical leftists” from the state’s education system.

This directive…

Source: Guardian Newspaper