Walking in the light – Part 25


Walking in the light of God is a personal and spiritual journey that involve developing a deeper relationship with God and living in accordance with His teachings. Set aside time each day to pray, meditate and read scripture. This will help you connect with God and deepen your understanding of God’s word. Strive to live according to God’s teachings, which include love, forgiveness, compassion and honesty.

This involves treating others with kindness and respect, and making choices that align with God’s values. The sobering call today is to walk in the light. Many Christians seem to have given up the call to walk in the light as Christ is in the light, letting light shine on the truth and falsehood of what is going on in the world around them.

In 1 John Chapter 1, comes a claim of what God is. The Bible said that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. John is not putting this in the form of a simile. A “simile” is…

Source: Guardian Newspaper