UNFPA Lauds KDSG’s Attention To GBV, Family Planning, Maternal Death


By Philip Yatai

The UNFPA has commended the Kaduna State Government for the commitment toward ending unmet needs for family planning services, curbing preventable maternal death and ending Gender-Based violence (GBV).

The Head of Office, UNFPA Kaduna Sub-Office, Ms Loide Amkongo, stated this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna on Sunday.

Amkongo said that the commitment was in line with the UNFPA Strategic Plan 2022 to 2025, hinged on three transformative results.

She identified the transformative results as contributing to ending unmet needs for family planning services, contributing to preventable maternal death, and ending GBV.

“These transformative results are being achieved in Kaduna, Zamfara, Sokoto, Gombe and Bauchi states, under the Kaduna Sub-Office.

“I have seen the commitment of the Kaduna State Government, along with other states, on the discussion table.

“Government officials are there, chairing various technical working groups and…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria