AKK Gas Pipeline Project 90% Complete -Minister


By Aisha Gambo

Wale Edun, Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy,, says the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) gas pipeline project has reached 90 per cent completion state.

The minister said this in Kaduna during an inter-ministerial visit to the gas pipeline project at River Kaduna HDD crossing site.

He said the 614-kilometre project has reached a commendable stage in spite of the effect of COVID-19 pandemic and the prevailing security challenges in some of the host communities .

“We have witnessed the tremendous natural gas pipeline project and we have seen the skill and capacity of both the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the Chinese Nigeria partnership.

“I’m sure and I’m convinced that this project in line with the presidential mandate will be completed on time by the first quarter of next year.

“It should give all Nigerians confidence in our own ability to do our own project, bring partners in to help and grow the…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria