Mbah Canvasses Homegrown Innovations to Regulate Gaming Industry, Boost Economy – THISDAYLIVE


Governor of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Mbah, has called for homegrown innovations to better regulate the gaming industry in Nigeria and reposition it to contribute more meaningfully to the nation’s economy.

Mbah also called for more enlightenment in addition to regulation to guide the people to draw the line between leisure and addiction.

He made the calls while declaring open the maiden Enugu Gaming Conference/Exhibition organised by the Enugu State Gaming and Lotto Commission, ESGLC, in the state capital on Thursday.

Speaking at the event themed, “Exploring the Future of Gaming: Innovations and Collaborations”, Governor Mbah, who was represented by the Deputy Governor, Barr. Ifeanyi Ossai, said gaming had the potential to contribute meaningfully to the country’s economy and the tourism industry, noting that Enugu was eager to drive the innovation and regulatory process, while also keying into the industry to boost its revenues and local…

Source: Thisday Newspaper